The Connection Between Yoga and Ayurveda
Yoga and Ayurveda not only seem synonymous, but they have also shared a deep connection since ancient times. They are sisters to the same parent called Vedic knowledge. They often overlap when it comes to understanding health, spirituality, and well-being from a Vedic standpoint.
Yoga is the art of uniting the mind, body, and spirit. On the other hand, Ayurveda is a Vedic health science system focusing specifically on healing.
Ayurveda is an ancient way to heal and prevent diseases by harmonizing your dosha, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha as per the seasons (Ritucharya) and your routine (Dincharya). Yoga, on the other hand, seeks to create a natural connection between your mind, body and soul through meditation, breath work, physical movements, philosophy and behavioral principles.
If you observe closely, Ayurveda and yoga point in the same direction- healing, cleansing, and rejuvenating the body inside out. As your understanding of yogic practices betters, the concepts of Ayurveda will become more evident, helping to easily incorporate both into your lifestyle. Recognising the subtle connection between Yoga and Ayurveda enables you to improve your health and makes you feel happy, calm, and balanced.
On this International Day of Yoga, let’s learn more about how Yoga and Ayurveda together enable you to gain a positive and healthier outlook on life through this blog.
How do they complement each other?
As per Ayurveda, one must continuously adapt to the changing nature for good health. It suggests that one must change its diet, lifestyle, and physical activities to harmonize with the changing environment.
According to Ayurveda, there are six seasons. However, our bodies do not stay the same throughout the year. Its strength levels tend to change every season. They are the highest during the winter season, moderate during spring and autumn, and weak during the summers. Hence it is advised to perform Yoga and have a routine that suits our bodily needs in a particular season.
But what determines the strength levels of the body? We’re glad that you asked this question. The forces of nature, earth, fire, soil, water, and air create the basic human constitution. As per Ayurveda, these three constitutions are called “Doshas”- Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Following the Ritucharya keeps these doshas harmonized, and in case of an imbalance, our body becomes prone to diseases.
To maintain a balance between the doshas, Ayurveda suggests a daily routine called “Dinacharya” that involves a diet, lifestyle, and physical activities you should follow and perform as per the season.
Here we will be focusing on Yoga Asanas you should perform as per the season to keep your doshas in harmony and avoid falling prey to diseases. Different doshas need different yoga styles. Vata dosha responds well to slow-paced yoga practices, Pitta dosha needs emotionally relaxing yoga asanas, and Kapha dosha needs an energizing, challenging and warming yoga practice.
Let’s get deeper into understanding Yoga and doshas.
Practicing various yoga asanas to pacify the doshas during different seasons benefits your body, mind, and spirit in numerous ways. It also balances your dosha and strengthens your body to withstand the changing environment.
Vata dosha is ruled by air and space, Pitta by fire and water, and Kapha by water and earth. Each season ignites specific energy that needs to be balanced through yogic practices.
Warm weather increases Pitta, which requires you to practice relaxing yoga asanas. Cool, dry & windy days increase Vata dosha, which is benefited by practicing calming yoga poses. Damp cold increases Kapha dosha, which will need you to practice yoga asanas that are energizing and warming.
Yoga asanas for Vata Dosha
Vata dosha is greatly benefited from asanas that are calming. Floor-based lower body yoga asanas help overcome fear, calm anxiety, and balance nervous energy. Yoga asanas that prove to be beneficial for Vata dosha are:
- Uttanasana
- Balasana
- Virasana
- Supta Virasana
- Siddhasana
- Padmasana
Yoga asanas for Pitta Dosha
Asanas that are emotionally relaxing, non-competitive, and relaxing are beneficial for Pitta dosha. Yoga poses that open the chest works well for Pitta dosha like:
- Chandra Namaskara
- Ustrasana
- Bhujangasana
- Dhanurasana
- SalaBhasana
- Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
Yoga asanas for Kapha Dosha
Energizing , warming and restorative yoga benefit the Kapha dosha, which is slow, cold, and heavy. Beneficial yoga poses for Kapha dosha are:
- Surya Namaskara
- Virabhadrasana
- Adho Mukha Svanasana
- Chaturanga Dandasana
- Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
- Ustrasana
You can gain maximum benefits from Yoga by curating a routine that is based on your predominant dosha and the season. It helps balance your doshas and keeps you in the best health.
A yoga regime that syncs with the seasons helps balance your doshas. But remember, one yoga style does not fit all. To curate a perfect yoga routine for yourself, you must first understand your “Prakruti ”. An expert Ayurvedic Vaidya will help you understand the natural constitution of your body. The next step is getting in touch with a yoga practitioner who will help you find the right balance of yoga asanas suitable for your Prakruti. Give a boost to your yoga routine with a healthy diet suggested by a nutritionist to enjoy maximum benefits.
At Ayuvi, we help you get in touch with all the experts you need to embark on a healthy and sustainable lifestyle by leveraging the benefits of Ayurveda. They will guide you every step and help you with a diet and exercise plan that is curated just for you.
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