


Healthy Diet Plan and Lifestyle Changes with Ayurveda

By Ayuvi
December 31, 2021
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Ayurveda believes that a healthy diet plan, based on ritus or seasonal changes, is the key to balancing the tridoshas (vata, pitta and kapha) or energies and subsequently to good health.

Ayurvedic diet

An Ayurvedic diet (practiced since thousands of years) will consider the specific prakruti of a person and then recommend a customized diet plan suitable to that particular body type that helps balance all three doshas.

As per basic Ayurvedic beliefs, the 5 core elements of Panchamahabhutas – earth (prithvi), water (jal), fire (agni), air/wind (vayu) & space (akash) – are present in in every living being and are responsible for the formation of tridoshas (vata, pitta or kapha) and that each dosha is responsible for specific functions in our body.

  • Pitta dosha (fire + water) controls hunger, thirst & body temperatures. Pitta types should include more cooling foods and limit intake of spices and nuts

  • Vata dosha (air + space) is responsible for breathing, blood circulation, and heartbeat. Vata types should include warm & moist foods and avoid raw vegetables, bitter herbs

  • Kapha dosha (water + earth) promotes joint health & is responsible for hydration & strong immunity. Kapha type people should include fruits, veggies, and legumes while restricting nuts, seeds, and oily foods.

Healthy diet plan & Lifestyle

Ayurveda believes that the diet that we ingest is the primary factor for a healthy mind & body. Here are some effective tips for a healthy diet plan and lifestyle modifications.

  • Eat as per your dosha type

  • Eliminate snacking and eat 2 or three meals according to hunger, prakruti and ritu

  • Eat only until you are full, don’t overindulge as it increases free radical production and disrupts digestion

  • Only consume fresh, well cooked, foods and make sure to include all the six rasas (katu/pungent, tikta/bitter, kashaya /astringent, madhur/sweet, amla/sour and lavana/salty) in your meals for optimum nutrition

  • Avoid ice cold items as they diminish the digestive fire or agni which is essential for a healthy digestive system

  • No TV, mobile or other distractions while eating

  • Eat your food at least 3 hours before sleeping to aid the digestive process

  • Avoid caffeine, instead opt for herbal drinks that aid detox and stoke the digestive fire

  • Have a heavy lunch and a light dinner

  • Drink 7-8 glasses of water. Having a glass of warm water with lemon juice early in the morning is beneficial to the digestive process

  • Get 7-8 hours of sleep, avoid irregular sleep timings

  • Exercise regularly, practice Yoga & pranayama regularly to alleviate stress & anxiety

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