Safety Precautions During Rainy Season – Do’s & Don’ts of Monsoon
Monsoon elevates nature’s beauty but also hampers our body’s natural balance, making us prone to many diseases. Hence it is important to adhere to safety precautions during the rainy season to keep the immunity high and the risks of viral infections low. There are two ways to ensure your safety against the changing weather conditions:
- Resorting to modern medicines
- Enhancing immunity naturally
If you prefer enhancing your immunity naturally, read on!
This blog will discuss the monsoon health tips regarding lifestyle and diet as per Ayurveda.
Monsoon and Ayurveda
According to Ayurveda, there are six seasons. Our bodies do not stay the same throughout the year. Its strength levels tend to change every season. Therefore, Ayurveda suggests that one must change its diet, lifestyle, and physical activities to harmonize with the changing environment. This concept in Ayurveda is called ‘Ritucharya’. Following the Ritucharya keeps the tridoshas- Vata, Pitta, and Kapha harmonized, and in case of an imbalance, our body becomes prone to diseases.
In the rainy season, the Vata dosha is aggravated, and a mild increase in the level of Pitta. This condition results in discomfort such as:
- Low digestion power
- Low immunity
- Acidity
- Increased heat in the body
These health issues can be tackled by making simple changes in your lifestyle and diet. Tweaking your diet and lifestyle helps harmonize the heightened doshas and strengthen your body to build resistance against seasonal infections.
Ayurvedic Health Tips For The Rainy Season
Ayurveda suggests a daily routine called “Dinacharya” that involves a diet, lifestyle, and physical activities you should follow and perform to maintain a balance between the doshas during the monsoon season.
Food Do’s During Monsoon Season
Food is the primary energy source, and during the monsoon, when our system is sluggish, Ayurveda recommends having food that is easy to digest and does not cause discomfort. We have collated a few foods do’s for you to take note of this season:
- Including cow’s ghee, lentils, green gram, rice and wheat in your daily diet helps your body to get all the nutrients.
- Drinking boiled and cooled water mixed with honey is recommended as it helps improve digestion.
- Switching to desi cow’s milk as it is easy to digest and safe for consumption during monsoon season.
Food Don’ts During The Monsoon Season
- Consuming stale food must be avoided as it can cause indigestion
- Eating spicy and oily food during monsoon can cause indigestion, bloating and salt retention.
- Consuming leafy green vegetables should be avoided entirely during monsoons. Vegetables other than the leafy ones are safe for consumption.
Lifestyle Changes During The Monsoon Season
A healthy diet alone won’t be beneficial unless it is supported by lifestyle changes to tackle monsoon woes. Here are a few lifestyle changes that you can follow:
- Ayurveda recommends avoiding sleeping during the daytime as it hampers digestion and slows the metabolism.
- Opt for fasting one in a while in the rainy season as it boosts your immunity and helps stimulate the digestive fire that keeps your gut healthy.
- Practice breathing exercises in the monsoon season as it helps in getting rid of toxins and germs, strengthening lung muscles, and boosting immunity.
Following this diet and routine during monsoon season ensures protection against possible health threats. Also, it helps your body to acquire the strength it needs to get through the season.
One size doesn’t fit all
Though these do’s and don’ts during the monsoon season are common, they may or may not work for everyone as Prakriti differs from person to person. Therefore it is recommended to consult an Ayurvedic doctor to understand what works best for you by assessing your Prakriti. At Ayuvi, a team of expert vaidya, nutritionists, and yoga instructors help curate a personalized plan for you as per your Prakriti.
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