


Pitta Dosha – The Pitta type and their characteristics

By Ayuvi
January 03, 2022
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Ayurveda states that our Prakruti is governed by tridoshas or energies – namely Vata, Pitta and Kapha. These tridoshas, which are the foundation of all life, are present in each cell and are responsible for all our bodily processes.

What is Pitta dosha?

Pitta comes from the Sanskrit word ‘tapa’ which means heat. According to Ayurvedic teachings, our body is made up of the 5 core elements or the panchamahabhutas – Vayu (air), Agni (fire), Jal (water), Akash (space) and Prithvi (earth), of which Pitta contains the 2 elements agni (fire) and jal (water).

Pitta dosha characteristics

  • Pitta dosha, or the heat energy in our body, can be characterized as liquid, oily, hot, smelly, acidic and light

  • Pitta controls the digestive fire or agni, metabolism, body temperature, vision, color & complexion of our skin, sensory perception, emotions and intellect

  • Pitta is the main force that controls our digestion, metabolism and assimilation processes, so any imbalance or accumulation of pitta can lead to stomach/digestive ailments or pitta dosha vyadhis

  • Pitta dosha symptoms include hypertension, bleeding disorders, hyperacidity, GERD etc.

  • Pitta type individuals are intelligent, driven and passionate in nature and have a strong digestive system

How to balance Pitta dosha?

  • Consume light, easy to digest foods

  • Diet for pitta dosha should include cooling food items (bitter, astringent, sweet) that can counter the fire of Pitta dosha. Avoid spicy & hot food as well as amla (sour), katu (pungent) and lavan (salty) rasa. Salty foods such as Pickles & papadum as well as alcohol must be strictly avoided

  • Eat on time, don’t skip or delay mealtime

  • Avoid stress and disagreements, Pranayama is an effective way of cooling the heat generated by pitta dosha

  • Get enough sleep

  • Exercise regularly

  • Enjoy life

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