


Balancing Pitta Dosha in Summer

By Ayuvi
July 12, 2021
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What is Pitta Dosha?

In Ayurvedic terms, pitta refers to one of the three doshas or vital energies that rule us and the transformations occurring within us. This particular dosha is related to our body heat rising with the increased temperatures in summer; it is referred to as nature’s way of exerting its effects on us.

Why balance pitta dosha?


As the summer months progress, the heat increases and that is bound to influence our behaviour, eating habits, digestion and metabolism, sleeping patterns, and everything related to us. Excess accumulation of heat in the body can lead to pitta dosha symptoms in the digestive system (indigestion, diarrhea), skin (acne, rashes), and negatively impact our overall health. Hence, it is important to balance the body heat and keep ourselves cool during the hot summer months.

How to balance pitta dosha?


Controlling pitta dosha requires control over the mind and the body. Remaining calm, not panicking, and not taking stress can reduce the occurrence of diseases, acne breakouts in the face and help in focusing on what is important.

Similarly, following an Ayurvedic pitta-specific diet can help keep the gut healthy, enhance digestion, and ensure the body effectively absorbs all the nutrients.

In Ayurvedic terms, the fire element in pitta manifests itself through bile and digestive enzymatic secretions when we consume heavy and rich food that needs more enzymes for digestion and absorption. This causes digestive fire/agni to blaze and leads to issues in digestion, impacting overall health.

It is advisable to consume food that has a cooling effect on the gut. Items such as whole grains, legumes, veggies, and fruits help keep the agni element of pitta balanced and peaceful. Indulging in seasonal fruits rich in water content, such as watermelon, tender coconut, and cucumbers can also help in balancing the pitta dosha.

Incorporating astringent/bitter tastes can also neutralise pitta’s wet, hot qualities; these can be found in most green fruits and vegetables such as leafy greens, bottle gourd, green apples, and most legumes. Items like aloe vera gel or juice, rhubarb, pomegranate, and herbs such as hibiscus, chrysanthemum, yarrow, and black tea are equally potent in keeping the pitta balanced.

Conversely, it is also important not to keep the pitta unfed or empty as it can lead to pitta imbalance and gastric issues.

  • Eat a sattvic diet rich in nutrients

A few dos and don’ts



  • Listen to your body, keep a balance
  • Make hydration a habit
  • Indulge in seasonal produce for meals
  • Include yoga and meditation
  • Spend a few hours in the moonlight, if possible


  • Schedule any activity in the scorching summer sun
  • Overindulge in eating food items that increase body heat (e.g., red meat)
  • Skipping meals
  • Stress, which majorly affects the system
  • Include excess processed food in the diet

Ayurveda has always been one of the most potent forms of alternative medicine. Moreover, an Ayurvedic diet helps promote fitness in the most simple and natural ways possible.

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