Ayurvedic Diet Plan for Healthy & Effective Fat Loss
People today resort to Keto, gluten-free diets and intermittent fasting methods to achieve their health goals. But they fall short in doing the groundwork. They skip understanding their physiology before implementing a particular healthy diet in their lifestyle. Doing so adversely affects one’s health leading to various health issues such as low immunity, digestive problems, and nutrition deficiency.
Indian lifestyle is different from the west, one of the biggest reasons why diet types that work there aren’t as effective here. Have you wondered how people maintained their health before they learned about these diet types? Ayurveda was the way of life before people in India even knew these diet types existed.
Ayurveda is seamlessly blended into our lifestyle. We eat while sitting on the ground, use our fingers to enjoy our food, and have a balanced diet. These are some daily instances derived from Ayurveda on a scientific basis. But our roots took a back seat under the influence of the western culture and a stressful lifestyle.
Today as people realise that the western lifestyle is not as effective, they are considering Ayurveda to achieve their health goals. In this blog, we’ll take you through the benefits of embracing an Ayurvedic lifestyle and how it aids in fat loss.
Wonders of an Ayurvedic diet
Ayurveda is an ancient practice of healing the body, mind, and soul. It takes a holistic approach to help tackle any health issues and resolve them using natural herbs, preparations, and therapies. Since it originated in India, this alone is the most compelling reason to embrace this lifestyle. It understands our roots and aligns well with the Indian atmosphere, culture, and lifestyle. This reason makes it easy for us to follow this lifestyle.
Following an Ayurvedic diet plan for weight loss helps achieve fat loss goals and makes you feel healthy from within. This diet plan is designed to correct your dosha imbalance called Vikruti. Our natural dosha balance or Prakruti is disturbed because of unhealthy lifestyle choices, which leads to health issues like obesity, lifestyle conditions like diabetes, and low immunity.
Your ayurvedic diet plan for fat loss may differ from others as every person is unique. It will be based on your Prakruti/ Vikruti assessment, which helps determine the root cause of your weight gain issues. Having this visibility helps an Ayurvedic vaidya or nutritionist to help chalk a diet plan unique to you, consisting of fat-burning foods and healthy meals for weight loss.
Ayurvedic diet tips for effective fat loss
Having an ayurvedic diet plan for fat loss is only half the journey. The other half depends on how diligently you follow the plan and keep in mind the diet tips for better results. Besides following a diet plan, it is important to get it customized according to your Prakruti and the season. Everybody is different and hence needs a different diet as per the changing seasons for optimal results. We have collated some of the diet tips for you here:
Eat when you feel hungry
Unlike other diet plans that give a timeline for when to eat and when not to, Ayurveda imposes no such restrictions. It encourages you to eat when you feel hungry. The science behind it says you feel hungry when your digestive enzymes are produced to the optimum level, and they will digest the food properly.
Have light dinner before 7 pm
Having light dinner before 7 pm gives ample time to your digestive system to break it down before you go to bed. This practice supports not only natural detoxification but also promotes sound sleep. Adding soups and salad to your dinner ensures proper digestion and complete cleansing of the system.
Exercise at least three times a week
Staying active is very important to be in the pink of your health. It speeds up the metabolism and aids in efficient fat-burning. Practising yoga or going for a run or a walk helps your body feel energised and light. Also, it helps with stress management and a positive outlook toward life.
Sip hot water throughout the day
Warm or hot water is beneficial in cleansing and hydrating the digestive system. It enhances the quality of ahara rasa- the first nutrient fluid in the digestive tract. It helps remove toxins or ama that accumulate in the body due to pollution and poor lifestyle choices.
Get good sleep
Insufficient sleep is one of the primary reasons for obesity, as, in such a situation, your body experiences physiological stress. Furthermore, it affects the digestive system and gives rise to many digestive problems. Getting enough sleep maintains a healthy hormonal balance that makes you feel hungry. Not sleeping enough will cause a hormonal imbalance, due to which your body feels more hungry than you are when you’ve had a good sleep. According to Ayurveda, the ideal sleep time is 10 pm to 6 am as your body gets enough time to perform all the detoxification functions.
Want to try the Ayurvedic diet for fat loss?
If you wish to maintain a healthy weight, connect with our expert Ayurvedic Vaidyas at Ayuvi. They will help you assess your Prakruti and suggest a diet to help you stay in the best health.
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