


What Is Ayurveda?

By Ayuvi
December 21, 2021
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Ayurveda, Indian medical wisdom practiced since millennia, is a blend of two Sanskrit words Ayu (life) + Veda (knowledge) and is rightly termed as ‘Science of Life’ as its fundamental belief is total wellness, a harmonious balance between mind, body and soul.

  • Origin

    Progressively compiled by generations of rishis, Ayurveda finds reference in Atharva Ved, the ancient text that is considered to be at least 10000 years old! The sages described Ayurveda as a fine mix of science, religion & philosophy which considers every individual as a part of the universe and treats their whole life journey as sacred.

    In contemporary terms it can be described as a healthcare management system that promotes overall wellness & balance of inner self. Ayurveda believes that health problems or diseases occur when there is a disconnect between physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

  • Prakruti & Tridoshas

    Ayurveda is based on the belief that each individual is born with a particular Prakruti which results from the interplay of the tridoshas or energy types –vata (air + space), pitta (fire + water) and kapha (water + earth elements/energy). These doshas are present in each person and a certain ratio of vata, pitta and kapha is responsible for specific physical, mental and emotional characteristics.

  • Vata controls important functions such as breathing, blood circulation, heartbeat etc.
  • Pitta controls the metabolic functions such as digestion and temperature etc.
  • Kapha helps keep the body hydrated, strengthens immunity etc.

  • Panchamahabhutas
  • According to Ayurveda, our entire universe is made up of five core elements of Panchamahabhutas – earth (prithvi), water (jal), fire (agni), wind (vayu) & space (akash) – which are present in every living being and are responsible for the formation of tridoshas. Any imbalance in one or more elements can cause toxin buildup and lead to diseases. Thus, Ayurvedic treatment is largely focused on correcting the imbalance of the Panchamahabhutas.

  • Ayurvedic healthcare
  • A holistic system of medicine, the relevance of Ayurvedic healthcare principles is timeless. Focused on healing, prevention & healthcare, Ayurveda advises minor adjustments to daily routine such as adapting to nature and its ritus (seasons), implementing dietary & lifestyle changes to lead a wholesome, healthy life.

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